Russian Spies Face the Music

1 min read

Alleged Russian spies in the United Kingdom are being put on trial. This coincides with relations between the West and Russia reaching a new low.

The charges are more serious than usual spying, as some of the incidents occurred during the Russian War in Ukraine. The BBC report:

Orlin Roussev, Bizer Dzhambazov, Katrin Ivanova, Ivan Stoyanov, and Vanya Gaberova will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.

The Bulgarian nationals are accused of conspiring to gather information which would be useful to an enemy between August 2020 and February 2023.

The investigation was conducted by Britain’s Scotland Yard in cooperation with the Security Service, MI5.

“The CPS has authorized a charge of conspiracy to conduct espionage against three men and two women suspected of spying for Russia,” said Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division.

“Criminal proceedings against the five individuals are active and they each have the right to a fair trial.”

Britain has been a hotbed of Russian spying for years. As many Russian dissidents and enemies of Putin make Britain their home, Russian operatives have been conducting assassinations there.

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