Chaos Escalates Throughout Middle East

1 min read
Photo Credit: Skitterphoto, via Pixabay

Israel’s air attack on Gaza in response to Hamas rockets continues. A hospital was recently bombed unintentionally, most likely from a failed Hamas rocket.

In turn, Western facilities have been under siege throughout the Middle East. In Turkey, a US ally, crowds attacked the Israeli consulate and a McDonald’s store. The fast food franchise had promised free meals to the IDF in Israel. Al-Monitor reports:

In Istanbul, a large crowd gathered outside the Israeli Consulate, hurling fireworks and rocks at the high-rise in which the mission is located. Police used water cannons to disperse the crowd.

A video circulating on social media showed demonstrators breaking windows of a McDonald’s branch in Istanbul. McDonald’s and Coca-Cola are two brands that often come under fire in protests against Israel.

The Israeli Embassy in Jordan is also facing attempts to storm it. Jordan is a key neighbor to Israel due to it having many Palestinian refugees in its borders. While the King is closely aligned to America, he has not been able to stand firmly next to Israel for internal political reasons. The Times of Israel reports:

Jordanian security forces are working to disperse a crowd of thousands of protesters trying to storm the Israeli embassy in Amman, Jordan, in protest of the war in Gaza.

Demonstrators had already attempted to break into the embassy last night and were dispersed by the Jordanian police.

The American Embassy in Lebanon is also facing dangerous protests, but the exact details are not yet known. American presence in Lebanon during the 1980s resulted in many American hostages and dead servicemen in the middle of a giant ethnic conflict.

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