Elon Musk Says This About Gaza

1 min read

Elon Musk is traveling to Israel to meet with government officials and survey the damage from the war. He has announced that he wants to be involved in the rebuilding process, stressing the importance of de-radicalizing the young.

Elon Musk was also wrapped up in controversial Twitter threads, including some bordering on antisemitism. Advertisers have started to leave X in response, threatening his investment. The NY Times says:

Elon Musk traveled to Israel and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, touring the scene of a Hamas attack in a visit that appeared aimed at calming the outcry over his endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory on X, the social media platform he owns.

Dozens of major brands suspended their advertising on X after Mr. Musk this month agreed with a post that accused Jewish communities of pushing “hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” The flight of advertisers threatened to cost X tens of millions of dollars, and the White House denounced Mr. Musk for “abhorrent promotion of antisemitic and racist hate.”

Musk has stood firm with Israel’s conduct of the war. While the Palestinian death toll rises, Musk stresses Israel’s avoidance of civilians casualties, unlike Hamas. The Washington Post continues:

Musk also rebuffed arguments that Israel has disproportionately killed civilians in Gaza, saying the actions of Hamas militants were intentional. “There is an important difference here, which is Israel tries to avoid killing civilians,” Musk said.

Later on Monday, Musk met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who decried “the oldest disease in humanity, antisemitism” and pointed to Musk’s “huge role” in preventing antisemitic content from spreading online, according to Herzog’s press office.

The ceasefire continues to hold, but is reaching its end soon. Israel is already looking to the future on how to rebuild Gaza, but the military and political situations need to be resolved first.

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