This President Stands with Israel

1 min read

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, visited Israel for his first foreign visit. During the visit, Milei pledged to move the embassy to West Jerusalem, following what Donald Trump did during his Administration.

Milei won on a strong economic platform, vowing to help Argentina out of its chronic inflation and default cycle. He has also indicated his love for Judaism and is considering converting. Times of Israel reports:

Argentinian President Javier Milei landed on Tuesday in Israel, where he announced that he would be moving Argentina’s embassy to Jerusalem.

Milei, who made Israel the destination of his first bilateral visit since he assumed the presidency in December, had pledged to make the move during his election campaign.

Milei haș often been lumped in with Donald Trump and Netanyahu. Although all three’s policies vary in some respects, they all share a distrust of the international liberal order. They see themselves as trying new solutions to old problems. Al Jazeera continues:

Right-winger Netanyahu and the libertarian Milei, who has been compared with former US president Donald Trump – who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in 2018, are set to meet for talks on Wednesday, with the aim of deepening ties between the two countries.

His trip will also see him visit a kibbutz and meet families of hostages taken by the Palestinian armed group Hamas when it attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing at least 1,139 people according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli figures. The group, which governs Gaza, seized about 240 other people as hostages.

Israel is marking the 4 months since the attack on October 7th, which it answered to with an invasion of Gaza. Conflicts continue between Iran and its proxies against American and its allies. However, Israel is desperately trying to shore up international friendships to support it for when peace comes.

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