British Election Shows Trouble for “Conservatives”

1 min read

Britain will be voting for a new Parliament on July 4th. Conservatives have been in power since 2010, and have presided over a decline in Britain, especially since the end of Brexit.

The Conservative Party has been focusing on economic issues for the upper class, dismissing the very real concerns of their voters to limit migration. Without it, many will be voting for the Labour Party instead, or a new insurgent party. NPR says:

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party is forecast to lose big. He may even become the first sitting prime minister to lose his own seat in parliament. And the opposition Labour Party is expected to form the next British government.

It’s the opposite of what’s happening in other parts of Europe, like France, where Marine Le Pen’s far-right party has just won the first round of legislative elections.

While Labor will likely win, their party is controlled by the more liberal wing, having pushed out the pro-Gaza Socialist wing back in 2020. The Conservative Party could be under threat of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party, who spearheaded the Brexit campaign in 2016. Fox News continues:

“The Conservatives, I think, will remain the main opposition to the Labour Party because [with] the first past the post system, parties like Reform will struggle to win a large number of seats even if they win 15% to 20% of the vote, because that’s the way the system works.”

“Reform will capture a very significant percentage of the British vote, but that does not necessarily translate into a large number of seats,” he added, acknowledging that Reform has a “very successful party” and is “a force in British politics.” 

The Conservatives could face a similar fate that the Establishment Republicans in America and France faced, where a more robust right-wing movement took over. While Labour will likely win this election, it could set the stage for a takeover of the Conservative movement.

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