Israel War Day 2: Civilian Casualties Revealed

1 min read

During the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, Hamas launched a terrorist raid into Israel to murder civilians and take hostages. Unlike Israel’s previous wars, where Arab armies were mostly not deliberately targeting Jewish civilians, this attack was purely designed to cause terror in Israel.

The death toll of over 600 is proving to be one of the biggest Israeli casualties in a single day. Haaretz reports multiple new events in the North of the country:

The IDF spokesperson announced that the Israeli air force has initiated attacks on the Gaza Strip a short while ago, using dozens of aircraft. Additionally, the military is targeting sites in the vicinity of the Gaza border in Beit Hanoun, which Hamas uses for launching attacks against Israel. The firing towards Israeli towns in nearby the Gaza border continue, with alarm sirens sounding in the area.

A highly tense atmosphere prevails on Sunday in the Northern Galilee region during the second day of the war. The majority of residents nearby the border barrier with Lebanon responded proactively to the security system’s recommendations and voluntarily evacuated to southern areas. In the towns nearby the border fence, primarily emergency squads and essential workers remain. The emergency squads in all the villages along the Lebanese border were reinforced on Saturday evening with additional IDF forces. There is minimal civilian vehicle traffic on the roads, with a simultaneous increased presence of tanks and other military vehicles.

More details are being released on how Hamas operatives conducted their attacks. First, they used drones to bomb border defenses, followed by an advanced team destroying the border wall with explosives. This then enabled hundreds of gunmen to swarm the border settlements in trucks. The Times of Israel reports:

A compilation of clips released by Hamas shows how the terror group invaded southern Israel yesterday and carried out its vast, murderous attack, killing some 500 civilians and soldiers, and kidnapping dozens more to the Gaza Strip.

First, Hamas bombed Israeli observation towers and weapons systems on the border using drones.

International ramifications have already begun, with an Egyptian police officer reportedly murdering two Israeli tourists. This could seriously impact future relations between the two countries.

The bombing of Israeli civilians from rockets in Gaza have been a new normal for many. However, close up gun executions and kidnappings give a much more visceral reaction to the murders. Israel’s full operational intent in the Gaza Strip is still to be revealed.

READ NEXT: Israel Invaded by Terrorists


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