Russia Uses New Weapon Against NATO

1 min read

Russia is weaponizing illegal aliens by sending them to Europe instead of deporting them to their country of origin. Finland first reported the increased influx of Middle Eastern and African refugees coming from the Russian border. Russian guards are not stopping them, and are more than likely directing and encouraging them.

Finland is a new member of NATO, adding a huge border with Russia. While the long border is a serious threat to Russia’s military planning, it can now also be used as a trojan horse into Europe. Yahoo News says:

Finland said on Monday it had become impossible to return asylum seekers who did not meet the criteria for protection and said that it might further restrict migrant entries from Russia following a jump in the number of applicants.

Over 500 asylum seekers, mostly from Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Iraq, arrived in Finland – an eastern outpost of the European Union – via Russia in the past two weeks, prompting Helsinki to shut half its border crossings and accuse Moscow of funneling migrants to its border. Moscow denies the charge.

Belarus, a close Russian ally, has been conducting similar migrant operations since 2021. Estonia, another neighbor of Russia member of NATO, is also seeing a greater number of migrants at its borders. Politico has more:

Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets said on Thursday Russia extended a provocative measure, originally aimed at Finland, to Estonia by “deliberately” allowing asylum seekers without visas or residence permits to reach a crossing point on its shared border, according to news outlet Delfi.

“Russia lets them pass without any reason, which means that these persons reach us and we have to deal with their concerns,” he said. “Since they have no basis for entering the European Union, it is obviously an organized and deliberate activity to burden the activities at the borders.”

Migrants in Europe are often young men without families. Many end up without jobs in Europe, engaging in crime and, though rarely, even terrorism.

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