Holocaust Anniversary Marked in Israel

1 min read

Holocaust survivors were present at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp to pay their respects to those who perished in the camp. Observance fell on January 27th, 79 years to the day that the Soviet Army liberated the camp.

The number of Holocaust survivors is rapidly dwindling, especially for those who were old enough to remember the experience. Holocaust memory is very important in Israel, as it spurred the creation of the state following the end of World War II. Fox News

About 20 Holocaust survivors solemnly gathered to mark the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp during World War II in a ceremony in Poland on Saturday.

The approximately 20 survivors from surrounding Nazi concentration camps gathered to lay wreaths and flowers and to light candles at the Death Wall in Auschwitz, where the Nazis executed thousands of inmates.

The Holocaust is now also being weaponized by the German Left. The Chancellor of Germany has used the occasion to criticize German conservatives who want to put a stop to mass immigration. Times of Israel

Scholz referred specifically to the threat posed by the rise of far-right populists in Germany, elsewhere across Europe and worldwide “who are stirring up fears and sowing hatred.”

At the same time, the chancellor praised the millions of Germans who have joined pro-democracy protests in recent weeks.

European socialists are using the Holocaust as a cudgel against Israel and those who want it to defend itself. Even something as sacred as the Holocaust will be contested by different political factions to advance their agenda.

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