Judge Clears American Traitor

1 min read

A Federal Judge has vacated Bowe Bergdahl’s dishonorable discharge, CNN reports.

Bergdahl was a soldier in Afghanistan in 2009 when he abandoned his post. He was then captured by the Taliban and held in captivity until he was swapped in 2014. Following his release, he was tried in a court-martial and found guilty of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

His case became a major political issue during the 2016 campaign, and President Trump largely benefitted from negative opinions about Bergdahl. A federal judge has now vacated the judgement against Bergdahl, based on his military judge having a conflict of interest.

Col. Jeffery Nance, who was Bergdahl’s judge, was also applying for an executive position under the Trump Administration. Because of Trump’s prejudicial comments against Bergdahl, the federal judge is throwing suspicion on Col. Nance’s conflict of interest.

This decision has already been heavily criticized by veterans and conservatives, who see the decision as a travesty of justice.



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