How Germany Is Redeeming Its Dark Past

1 min read

Germany is taking action to combat antisemitism by proposing tougher legislation. The law under proposal would bar anti-Semites from acquiring German citizenship.

Germany’s obvious horrid past in regards to the Jewish people is something the postwar government has attempted to atone for. However, a section of German society has remained anti-Semitic, notably radical Communists during the Cold War. Reuters says:

A law under consideration by the German parliament would mean that people who have committed anti-Semitic acts can never be granted citizenship, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday.

”Our draft for the new citizenship law, which we will now discuss in the Bundestag, provides a clear exclusion of anti-Semites,” Faeser said in a statement issued after she met with Israeli ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor.

Germany’s growing Muslim population has also engendered more antisemitic violence. The Jewish population in Germany remains much smaller than that of France or Britain, whose Muslim population is about equal across all three states. DW reports:

The increasing number of migrants and refugees and the low number of deportations has become a major political issue in Germany, with the right-wing populists capitalizing on the anti-immigrant sentiment.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a tougher asylum policy in a major interview with Germany’s Spiegel magazine, in which he promised, “We must finally deport on a large scale those who have no right to stay in Germany.” He called it unacceptable that deportation procedures often drag on for years.

By enforcing this new citizenship restriction law and deportation illegal aliens, Germany will be able to weed out potential terror threats while protecting its Jewish citizens at home.

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