Palestine Supporters Attempt White House Breach

1 min read

A pro-Palestinian protest became violent when individuals attempted to breach the White House. This happened the evening after a larger protest peacefully paraded in DC during the day.

Left-wing radicals have been angry at Joe Biden for standing with Israel against Hamas. This has caused deep rifts inside the Democrat Party, potentially jeopardizing the elections in 2024. The Washington Post reports:

A sea of black, green, red and white flags floated over the crowd in Freedom Plaza, blocks from the White House, as the protesters chanted “Free Free Palestine” and held picket signs with messages such as “Cease Fire Now” and “End the War in Gaza.” Other signs accused the Israeli government of practicing apartheid and charged President Biden with genocide.

The rally was part of a global day of protests that saw similar pro-Palestinian marches in cities including London, Rome, Paris, Dublin, Johannesburg and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The radical protesters were crowding in front of the White House after hours. After chanting “Fuck Joe Biden”, the individuals were pressing against the fence, ostensibly to storm the grounds. Secret Service reinforced the area to prevent a breach. The Daily Caller says:

A smaller group of protesters moved to the fences in front of the White House in the evening following the main rally, where they were seen banging on the barrier and chanting, according to an X video from reporter Julio Rosas. In another video, protesters can be seen increasingly pushing against the fence, prompting Secret Service personnel to man the area to prevent a breach, with attendees heard saying, “Fuck Joe Biden.”

Pro-Palestinian protesters held a similar event in November in downtown D.C., with that protest ending with numerous people swarming the outer perimeter of the White House fence. In that event, protesters could be heard chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “Raise your hand, make a fist, Palestine will resist.”

If the Israel-Hamas conflict continues for much longer, the Democrat coalition will face great stress. While the young radicals will not vote for Republicans, their refusal to vote at all could be enough to push Republicans to victory.

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