Polish Election Has Major Impact

1 min read

The recent election in Poland has sent shockwaves throughout Europe. Long government by a traditional Conservative Party, liberals have managed to take over the Polish Parliament.

Although the Conservative Party was the single largest party, the coalition of the opposition has managed to overcome the monumental. Politico reports:

The White House sees the surprise success of Polish opposition parties, led by the Civic Coalition of Donald Tusk, as a boon for Ukraine and a win for democracy in Europe, according to three Biden administration officials. They, like others, were granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about another nation’s election.

The results of the Sunday election startled many observers, especially after the ruling right-wing Law and Justice party was accused of using state and media resources to tip the landscape in its favor. Poland also had recently said it will stop sending weapons to Ukraine amid a trade dispute.

Poland’s traditional domestic policies, focused on traditional values, have been a constant thorn in the side of globalist liberals who wish to spread pro-immigration and LGBT policies throughout the world. The NY Times says:

The election, cast by both sides of the political divide as Poland’s most consequential vote since voters rejected communism in 1989, offered a multitude of parties from the far right to the progressive left. Enthusiasm ran so high that more than 74 percent of the electorate voted, higher than the 62 percent who turned out for the 1989 poll.

“These are absolutely historic moments,” Donald Tusk, leader of the main opposition party, Civic Coalition, told euphoric supporters in Warsaw as official results were announced Tuesday. “The weather has changed,” he added before repeating a line from a popular song often used during his party’s campaign: “It’s time for a happy Poland.”

The coalition will have to stay united in Parliament if it wishes to keep the Conservative Party out of power. Between trouble in the Middle East, an evolving Ukraine War, and a potential flood of refugees, this fragile arrangement might have to yield.

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